Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Teen workouts - Upper Body exercises. Guide to getting fitter and stronger and achieving a bigger, broader you!

First things first, you're going to need some weights.

Now with that in mind, here are some exercises you can do to increase your upper-body muscle mass and strength!;

1. Shoulder Pressing- A very simple technique, and very effective for building up the shoulders, lats and traps. Simply hold the weights around your chest, and push upwards in a controlled manner until your arms are straight above your head. You want to be doing between 8-12 reps.

2. Bench Pressing- (If you don't have a bench, use the floor). Simply lie on the floor/bench, and hold the weights above your chest, and carefully push upwards, maintaining a controlled physique throughout. Once again, 8-12 reps is ideal.

3. Bicep Curls- Typical exercise that comes to mind when we think about exercising. Simply hold the weights down low around your waist area, and then curl the bar round to your chest so that you feel the burn in your bicep muscles and possibly your forearms. 8-12 reps.

4. Press/Push-Ups- The good old fashioned push-up. Do it correctly and it'll probably be your best exercise for building up general body strength. Keep your body straight, arms wide apart, and lower your body down until your face is almost at the floor, maintaining and completely straight physique from start to finish. 8-12 reps.

5. Shrugs- Hold the weights with your arms straight down, around your waist area. Then, slowly and controlled, shrug your shoulders up, keeping your arms straight. If done correctly you will feel a burn around your traps (between your two shoulders, around your neck).

There are MANY more exercises, however all they will do is focus the same muscle groups in different ways, so I'd work on perfecting these core exercises before trying anything fancy.


  1. I am a follower of your advise and really feel like it has helped thank you i'll let you know more in the following weeks!!
