Monday, 13 September 2010

Teen workouts - Ab exercises. Guide to getting fitter and stronger and achieving six-pack abs!

A "six-pack" is not something that comes easily, I can tell you that now. It takes a lot of patience and determination, and there is no exercise nor product that will get you six-pack abs in under a couple of months, so don't be fooled!

Now with that in mind, let's move onto the exercises;

1. Crunches- Quite obviously the crunch exercise is the exercise that first comes to mind when thinking about the Abs. However it can be a highly effective way to train them if done correctly. Remember to place your hands on your temples, and slowly lift up to about a 35degree angle, and stay looking up towards to ceiling. Take around 3 seconds per crunch, to ensure that you really feel the burn.

2. Reverse Crunches- An exercise which many people have their own take on how to do it, however the method I believe most effective is as follows; Get in a crunch position, however look forward at your legs. Bring your legs forwards towards your chest and then kick up into the air til' your legs are about straight, then pull them back down to your chest and kick out straight ahead of you. Repeat this motion. It is quite an intense and complex exercise for abs, however if done properly, will be very effective. Also, it is recommended that you put your hands under your waist/behind, for essential back support.

3. Bicycle Crunches- You probably hear about these a lot, and they are supposedly the best exercise for achieving six-pack abs, however I believe that they only work when fitted into a routine with other ab exercises included. However for these you bring your legs up to a 90degree angle, and face towards your knees. Put your hands on your temples, and then start moving your legs as if you were peddling a bicycle. When your left knee comes forward, take your right elbow towards your left knee, and so forth.

4. The Plank- A very simple technique for this exercise, and is also highly effective in toning your abdominal muscles, especially when used nearer the end of a workout. Simple get in a sort of Push-up position, but with your elbows on the floor. Face forward and keep your body in the air in an entirely straight line. Ideally this is done for 30seconds to 1minute. (Also try side-planks where you lean on one elbow with your body completely to the side)

There are many many other methods, however I personally have never found the need for them. Whenever you do a crunch/sit-up type exercise, for some sets it is crucial that you do alternative sides rather than going straight up to the centre each time. This way your whole set of abdominals should get trained evenly, giving more efficient results!

Remember; No abs will show if there is a layer of fat covering them. A solid 50% of achieving visible, strong abs, is undergoing often cardiovascular exercises such as Jogging/Running, Jumping Jacks, Burpees etc, and also maintaining a healthy balanced diet with a high amount of protein intake!

Thanks for reading, Please leave comments on your thoughts, and any other blogs you may like to see in the future. If you enjoyed, please take the time to share this with your friends and follow me :) <3

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